Let me start out by saying this is not an attempt to create a ‘pocket monster’ system; this is just me having a desire to stat out Snorlax. I have made them Uncommon so they can’t be Summoned by RAW plus they usually unique encounters in the games; feel free to tweek and adjust for your games.
That being said, Summoning might be an interesting way to handle such a thing using the Minion mechanics with Pokéballs being the source of the ‘summon’. There are also Bottled Monsters in Treasure Vault. Alternatively I suggest checking out Battle Zoo’s upcoming Eldamon for full PF2 pocket monster experience or Animon for a rpg built around the concept.
Official Mega Construx Snorlax Set (on my shelf) |
Despite their intimidating size, potential power and great hunger Snorlaxes are rarely viewed as a threat and more of an annoyance. They have a habit of following asleep wherever they like; sometimes cutting off paths, bridges, tunnels etc while being terribly hard to awaken from their slumber. Rumors have it certain music or songs may raise them from their sleep easily but also seems to come with their rare wrath.
Generally these omnivores are not aggressive, even to get food unless completely starving and some report they keep eating amidst defending themselves from a threat.
Snorlaxes do not fear predators smaller than themselves or even matching their size as their great bulk can be a challenge to deal with.
Some philosophers believe the Snorlax sleeps so deep that its spirit travels the planes where they might find deeper meanings of the multiverse and when they awaken from their dream travels they ride as something new, mind and eyes open…
Perception +13 (gains addition -2 to Perception when Unconscious), low-light vision, food sense 30 feet
Str +6, Con +7, Dex +3, Int -4, Wis +3, Cha +4
Skills Athletics +17, Acrobatics +12, Survival +15
AC 25; Fort +19, Ref +13, Will +13 (+2 against Shove, Reposition or other attempts to move them from their current square, -2 against Sleep)
HP 160; Immunities poison, Resistances fire 8, cold 8
Bulky Snorlax is considered one size larger for purpose of attacks or effects that would move them and are 18 Bulk
Restful Sleep Snorlax treats normal Rest as Long-Term rest and if they Long-Term rest they multiply by three instead of two.
Speed 25 feet
Melee <Action> claws +20 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+10 slashing
Melee <Action> headbutt +17, Damage 2d12+10 bludgeoning plus Flinch
Flinch Snorlax smashes their head into their target’s head possibly stunning them; a creature struck by headbutt must attempt a Fort Save DC 23
Critical Success Snorlax is Stunned 1
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is Stunned 1.
Critical Failure The creature is Stunned 2
Perception +18 (gains addition -2 to Perception when Unconscious), low-light vision, food sense 30 feet
Str +7, Con +8, Dex +3, Int -4, Wis +3, Cha +5
Skills Athletics +23, Acrobatics +15, Survival +21
AC 28; Fort +25, Ref +16, Wil +18 (+2 against Shove, Reposition or other attempts to move them from their current square, -2 against Sleep)
HP 240; Immunities poison, Resistances fire 12, cold 12
Bulky Eldar Snorelax is considered one size larger for purpose of attacks or effects that would move them and are 36 bulk.
Restful Sleep Snorlax treats normal Rest as Long-Term rest and if they Long-Term rest they multiply by three instead of two.
Speed 25
Melee <Action> claws +24 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+12
Melee <Action> headbutt +21 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+20 plus flinch
Flinch Snorlax smashes their head into their target’s head possibly stunning them; a creature struck by headbutt must attempt a Fort Save DC 28
Critical Success Snorlax is Stunned 1
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is Stunned 1.
Critical Failure The creature is Stunned 2
Hyper Beam <<2 Actions>> (force, occult) The Eldar Snorlax generates a mysterious energy then attacks with it as a great beam in a 120 foot line that deals 13d4 force damage and Eldar Snorlax gains Stunned 1. Eldar Snorlax can’t use Hyper Beam again for 1d4 rounds.
Edicts Sleep wherever you get tired, sate great hunger, do not fear smaller predators
Anathema let food go to waste even if starting to spoil
Enlightened Snorlax Rumors speak of Snorlaxes that have discovered deep meaning in their long deep slumbers or met profound beings in their dreams teaching them to be more; sometimes finding more purpose beyond food and sleep! To create these Ascended Snorlaxes the Elite Template but their bonus damage from the template on claw attacks is elemental which they can freely switch between: electricity (attack gaining air trait), fire (attack gaining the fire trait) or cold (attack gaining the water trait.) Change their Int to -2 for Snorlax and -1 for Eldar Snorlax; or even higher depending on your story and trade the Animal treat with Beast. Finally give them Sylvan language and possibly one more based on how they Ascended along possibly new or adjusted Edicts/Anathema.
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