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Sunday, July 2, 2023

Legend of Zelda Bestiary Keese

 Leaning more into inspired by/creative license with a focus on BotW/TotK




Perception +6; darkvision

Skills  Acrobatics +7, Athletics +3 (+7 to Climb), Stealth +5

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -5, Wis +2, Cha -1


AC 16; Fort +1, Ref +8, Wil +5

HP 5

Light Weight Keese don’t normally treat Flying upward as difficult terrain.


Speed 5 feet, Climb 5 feet, Fly 20 feet

Melee <action> fangs +6 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing 

Barrel Roll Charge <<2 Actions>> The Keese spins forward batting anyone it runs into. Fly in a straight line,
automatically passing through any creatures. Each creature passed through must make
a Basic Reflex Save DC 14 for 1d4+2 Bludgeoning Damage. If a Keese would end their
Fly in an a creature occupied square they end up adjacent to that creature based on the
direction they were traveling; if their Fly takes them into a square occupied with a solid
object like a wall or large statue they end their movement and take 1d4 bludgeoning
damage. Fellow Keese are immune to this attack.



Perception +9, darkvision

Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +6 (+10 on Climb checks), Stealth +8

Str +1, Dex +4, Con +1, Int -4, Wis +3, Cha -1


AC 17; Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +8

HP 15; Immunities precision, swarm mind; Weakness Area Damage 3, Splash Damage 3; Resistences Bludegeoning and Piercing Damage 4, Slashing Damage 2

Light Weight Keese Swarm don’t normally treat Flying upward as difficult terrain.


Speed 5 feet, Fly 25 feet, climb 5 feet

Expand Swarm <1 Action> (move)  The swarm expands it size by one becoming Huge and can do it again

to expand to Gargantuan; the Keese Swarm changes it size trait as it grows and shrinks.

This size change lasts until the start of thier next turn, going down one size each turn. This

counts as Fly for the purpose of staying afloat in the air.

Keesy Pumbling <1 Action> Each enemy in the Keese Swarm’s space takes 1d4 piercing and 1d4 bludgeoning

damage (DC 15 Basic Reflex Save).



Perception +7, darkvision

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4 (+8 to Climb), Stealth +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha -1


AC 17; Fort +3, Ref +10, Wil +6

HP 12; Immunity Fire;  Weakness Cold 2


Speed 5 feet, Climb 5 feet, Fly 20 feet

Light Weight Keese don’t normally treat Flying upward as difficult terrain.

Melee <action> fangs +6 (agile, finesse) Damage 1d4 piercing and 2 fire damage plus

Fiery Aura

Fiery Barrel Roll Charge <<2 Actions>> The Keese spins forward batting anyone it runs into. Fly in a straight line,

automatically passing through any creatures. Each creature passed through must make

a Reflex Save DC 15.

Critical Failure 2d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 4 fire damage and persistent 2

fire damage.

Failure 1d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 2 fire damage and persistent 1 fire


Success 2 fire damage

Critical Success Nothing happen.

 If a Fire Keese would end their Fly in an a creature occupied square they end up adjacent

to that creature based on the direction they were traveling; if their Fly takes them into a

square occupied with a solid object like a wall or large statue they end their movement and

take 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Fellow Keese are immune to this attack.

Fiery Aura

If a creature makes a none reach melee attack, unarmed melee strike (even with

reach) attack on a Fire Keese or attempt a Shove, Trip or Grab while adjacent to them they

need to make a DC 16 Reflex Save.

Critical Failure Persitent 2 Fire Damage

Failure Persistent 1 Fire Damage

Success Nothing Happens

Ice Keese



Perception +7, darkvision

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4 (+8 to Climb), Stealth +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha -1


AC 17; Fort +3, Ref +10, Wil +6

HP 12; Immunity Cold; Weakness Fire 2

Light Weight Keese don’t normally treat Flying upward as difficult terrain.


Speed 5 feet, Climb 5 feet, Fly 20 feet

Melee <action> fangs +6 (agile, finesse) Damage 1d4 piercing and 2 cold damage plus

Icy Aura

Icy Barrel Roll Charge <<2 Actions>> The Keese spins forward batting anyone it runs into. Fly in a straight line,

automatically passing through any creatures. Each creature passed through must make

a Reflex Save DC 15.

Critical Failure 2d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 4 cold damage and stunned 1.

Failure 1d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 2 cold damage and Clumsy 1

Success 2 cold damage

Critical Success Nothing happen.

 If a Ice Keese would end their Fly in an a creature occupied square they end up adjacent

to that creature based on the direction they were traveling; if their Fly takes them into a

square occupied with a solid object like a wall or large statue they end their movement

and take 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Fellow Keese are immune to this attack.

Icy Aura

If a creature makes a none reach melee attack, unarmed melee strike (even with reach)

attack on a Icy Keese or attempt a Shove, Trip or Grab while adjacent to them they need

to make a DC 16 Reflex Save.

Critical Failure 2 Cold Damage and stunned 1

Failure Persistent 1 Cold Damage and Clumsy 1

Success Nothing Happens

Electric Keese



Perception +7, darkvision

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +4 (+8 to Climb), Stealth +6

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha -1


AC 17; Fort +3, Ref +10, Wil +6

HP 12; Immunity Electricity

Light Weight Keese don’t normally treat Flying upward as difficult terrain.


Speed 5 feet, Climb 5feet,  Fly 20 feet

Melee <action> fangs +6 (agile, finesse) Damage 1d4 piercing and 2 electric damage plus

Shock Aura

Shock Barrel Roll Charge <<2 Actions>> The Keese spins forward batting anyone it runs into. Fly in a straight line,

automatically passing through any creatures. Each creature passed through must make a

Reflex Save DC 15.

Critical Failure

2d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 4 electric damage; gain slowed 1 and drop all

items in hands.

Failure 1d4 bludgeon and piercing damage plus 2 electric damage and drop all things in


Success Nothing happen.

If a Electric Keese would end their Fly in an a creature occupied square they end up

adjacent to that creature based on the direction they were traveling; if their Fly takes them

into a square occupied with a solid object like a wall or large statue they end their movement

and take 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Fellow Keese are immune to this attack.

Shock Aura

If a creature makes a none reach melee attack, unarmed melee strike (even with reach)

attack on a Flame Keese or attempt a Shove, Trip or Grab while adjacent to them they

need to make a DC 16 Reflex Save.

Critical Failure 2 Electric Damage, drop everything in hands and slowed 1

Failure 1 electric Damage and drop everything in hands.

Success Nothing Happens

Additional Option Rules

If you like to use Monster Parts in your game similar to BotW/TotK these should help you get


If you like to drop parts in the way like the video games I recommend every time a Keese

(no matter the kind) is killed you roll a 1d4. 1: Nothing; 2: Eyeball; 3: Wing; 4: Wing and Eyeball

If you rather have them say Harvest parts I recommend: Harvest Monster Part Activity;
Time: 1 minute for Tiny, 10 minutes for Small and Medium, 20 minutes for Large and 30 or more
minutes for Gargantuan. Require Appropriate Tool like a knife. The Harvester makes a Survival
Check or Appropriate Lore Skill vs DC based on the creature’s level and rarity. GM may ignore
rarity if the deam a character familiar enough with the subject being harvested. Critical Failure
The body being harvested has been damaged beyond any further part recovery. Failure No parts
recovered but can try again. Success Common parts or parts are recovered. Critical Succuss
A common part(s) are recovered along with a uncommon part. As long as the body belong to a
monster bigger then Tiny someone else may Aid in this check and at GM discretion may double
the activity’s time to increase the number of parts recovered. Additional a GM may allow additional
attempts to harvest parts until all usable parts are collected or a Critical Failure is rolled but the
DC should go up by 2 each time. For the kreese I recommend letting a player chose between an
eyeball or a wing on a Success and getting both on a Critical Success.

Using Keese Parts: A Keese monster part may be attached to a piece of ammo or a weapon with

the thrown property following the rules for attaching a talisman and take up the same space.

A Keese eyeball gives a +1 to range attack it used on in the first two range increments; a Keese

wing reduces range penalty of the second range increment by 1. Elemental Keese parts do the

same thing except the target if hit is subject to the Keese’s approite aura effect but the DC is

your class DC and the failure damage is equal to your weapon’s damage dice amount and

critical failure double that.

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